Thursday, September 10, 2009


Allow me to introduce myself, I am the guy your currently stalking via Tis well to meet you my shadow, for I'd rather be livid for a day and pass on tomorrow with you then to spend the next eternity as a lone man on a beach. I joke of course, I'd quite possibly call the cops and take my chances with the next stranger... I hope she's cute... ANYWAY I digress... erm... not really. I'm just going to ramble on until something stops me, which will probably be my discision in the future to go play video games and pretend there's no lag.

Where was I?... AH right intro... intro... Well I'm Kyle, Kyle Joseph Patrick Curato to be more exact and my social security number is ***-**-**** huh that was weird. If I were to decribe myself to you, well... I was born in the year of the Snake under the sign of the Leo. An odd mix, and that's what I'm all about (no), but I've always thought it interesting that these two signs said so much about me... Not to say that I actually believe in that stuff, I mean I may check my horoscope for poops and giggles. As far as I'm concerned a buncha people wrote down vague characteristics that just so happen to appeal to my sense of nature. In all honesty though, I find some bits of wisdom in it.

But speaking of wierd mixes, I'm Irish and Philipeano (God bless America). I'm often mistaken for a Chinese person though... to counter this I've decided to take Chinese and screw with people *Muahaha* Ahem... I find a lot of interest in my Irish heritage though, even if I don't know my lineage or anything like that. For example I carry with me a Triskelion pendant (it used to be a necklace, but the threads couldn't keep up with my life) as both a tribute to those Ancient Celtic ancestors and to symbolize the way I view things.

You see the pendant is a gray, silvery looking coin and on it is a design that has three spirals converging into one spiral (kind of like the hurrican weather report symbol). Each of these spirals stand for a part of one's existance: Life, Death, and Rebirth. Now I'm a Catholic (and a pretty bad one I might add) so I don't believe in re-incarnation, though I think it would be pretty cool to die and then find yourself as an infant once again being shot out of another woman's vagina... So instead I think of it like this: Live, Fail, Reform. You live your life the way you can, you screw up, and then you better yourself out of it. It's a metaphorical sense of the word "rebirth."

So yea, there's my little intro to you Kyle-noobs out there. I'll be sure to make these as inconsistant as my e-mails to my pen-pal. Maybe not that inconsistant... *looks at post* Yea... yea I'm definately a long winded writer. Now to play games "Show me your S4 >.<"

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